Justin Kelso

Major: Pre Finance BSB
IUPUI University College

Finance Intern

I am a finance intern at Lids Inc. which is a sports retail company which started in Lafayette, IN and now is run out of Zionsville, IN. Ever since I started at Lids I have been on the tax management team, and as for the rest of my time there this summer my boss, the director of finance operations, will be placing me on each team for a small amount of time so that I can get a broad understanding of how everything is run. My first week I did not expect to learn as much as I did, but from the moment I started I have met so many people that are very passionate about there job and very willing to assist me which makes this internship awesome. As for now, I have been making sales tax returns for each of the properties in different states and provinces in the US and Canada. Here soon I will be on the F&P analyst team and assist them in planning for the new fiscal year.

Supervisor: Brad Davey

Company: Lids

Citizens Energy Intern