Jorge Chin Chong

Major: Biology
Purdue School of Science

Indiana Family Medicine Residencies Exit Survey Report

Each year since 2012, the Office of Research in Medical Education gathers survey data on family medicine residents from 12 Indiana family medicine residency programs. The goal of this survey is to get a better understanding of the reasons why residents choose to practice in specific locations. The survey collects information related to demographics, debt, program assessment, practice characteristics (including main reasons to practice in a specific location, type of practice, expected income, etc.). The survey also gathers residents’ feedback on ways to improve their training program. Survey responses are carefully analyzed by the Research in Medical Education team using data analysis software, and a report is generated for the Indiana Medical Education Board. The survey results show that the main reasons residents choose to practice within Indiana are proximity to their family, cost of practicing is reasonable in the state, and adequate salary or compensation. The report informs the board in their efforts to devise strategies for recruiting and retaining family medicine physicians in areas of medical need.

Supervisor: Komal Kochhar
Department: Medical Education